Madam Suwaiba Abubakar, Head of Revenue Operations for La Dade-Kotopon Municipal Assembly has expressed the need for revenue collectors to prioritize and promote collection of revenue in delivering of service to the Assembly. This she said is to ensure massive improvement in the collection of revenue to exceed targets. Madam Suwaiba Abubakar said this when she met with the Assembly revenue collectors.
She indicated that, the dominant factors affecting local revenue collection includes; failure to notify people on time for their dues, failure to carryout proper feasibility study, poor planning and poor assessment of tax which adversely affects the volume of revenue to be collected. She continued that delayed distribution of bills to ratepayers denies the Assembly the opportunity to expand its development agenda.
She added that to ensure massive improvement in revenue collection and realisation of the Assembly medium-term fiscal policy and development objectives, revenue collectors must improve relationship between the Assembly and the ratepayers, sensitization of the public to comply on payment of revenue. She asked the revenue collectors to try as much as possible to educate the ratepayers on the relevance of paying revenue.
Madam Suwaiba Abubakar urged the revenue collectors to put in place a team to ensure regular enforcement of revenue collection and effective monitoring systems, which are crucial issue for the Assembly policy makers. She further reiterated that she would not tolerate incompetence amongst the task force and that all should join hands to help exceed the target.