Enhancing Development Control and Infrastructure: A Comprehensive Review of Municipal Efforts

Development control plays a crucial role in shaping urban landscapes and ensuring sustainable growth within municipalities. In this article, we provide an insightful overview of recent development control activities and infrastructure initiatives undertaken by the La Municipality, highlighting the commitment to fostering orderly development and improving public services.

Development Control Activities:
Over the review period, the La Municipality diligently conducted development control activities to enforce regulatory standards and address unauthorized construction. Notably, thirty-eight developers received warning letters for non-compliance, while eleven were brought before the La Magistrate court for building without permits. This proactive approach underscores the municipality’s dedication to upholding building regulations and safeguarding community interests, particularly in areas like East La.

Furthermore, in response to encroachments along Laboma Beach, the municipality, in collaboration with High Court officials, issued injunction notices to halt ongoing developments. Despite warnings and legal mandates outlined in the Local Governance Act 2016 and Building Regulations 2022, some developers persisted in their activities, necessitating decisive action to preserve public spaces and uphold regulatory frameworks.

In addition, a coordinated operation involving the National Security and Ghana Police Service successfully addressed issues of street vending and unauthorized activities within the Airport enclave. This joint effort has resulted in improved urban aesthetics and enhanced pedestrian mobility, contributing to a safer and more welcoming environment for residents and visitors alike.

Infrastructure Initiatives:
In parallel with development control activities, the La Municipality has embarked on various infrastructure projects to meet the growing needs of its populace. Notably, the rebranding of the LaDMA directional sign into a three-dimensional (3D) structure signifies a commitment to modernizing urban signage and enhancing wayfinding for residents and visitors.

Moreover, ongoing development projects within the municipality, including educational and administrative facilities, demonstrate a concerted effort to improve service delivery and community infrastructure. Of particular significance is the construction of the La General Hospital, a 164-bed healthcare facility funded by the Government of Ghana and overseen by Messrs Polychanga Overseas Engineering Company Limited. A recent site meeting involving key stakeholders underscored progress on this vital project, reflecting collaborative efforts to enhance healthcare access and delivery within the municipality.












Const. of 3-storey 18-unit Classroom block with ancillary facilities

La Wireless Cluster of Schools


Gable level





Const. of 3-unit classroom block with ancillary facilities


La Salem JHS

Completed and commissioned in October

In use



Rehab. of 3-unit classroom block with office and staff common room

South La Estate JHS

Completed and commissioned in October

In use




Const. of Staff Canteen


LaDMA Office


6-tables 12-benches supplied






Const. of stores/cold room/data office


LaDMA Office







Rehab. of 2-storey 3-unit classroom block

La St. Mauris A&B JHS

Painting works commences

Fence wall plastered





Rehab. of African Unity Primary School

Maale Dada

Roofing members in position





Rehab. of Junior High School with Library


Maale Dada

Substructure works for the library

Structural works ongoing for the main building


In conclusion, the La Municipality’s proactive approach to development control and infrastructure development reflects a commitment to sustainable urban management and community welfare. By enforcing regulatory standards, addressing unauthorized construction, and investing in critical infrastructure projects, the municipality aims to create a conducive environment for economic growth and social well-being. Moving forward, continued collaboration between government agencies, stakeholders, and the community will be essential to realizing the municipality’s vision for inclusive and resilient urban development.

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