The La Dade-Kotopon Municipal Assembly in its bit to solve sanitation issues in the municipality held a meeting with it stakeholders on Tuesday 20th February 2020 at the assembly’s conference hall, La.
The meeting which was chaired by the MCD, Mr. Daniel Nkrumah had in attendance the municipal environmental director, the municipal planning director, the municipal director for NCCE, the municipal budget officer , the municipal information officer, assembly and unit committee members, and reps from sanitation agencies namely Zoom lion, Asadu Royal, Rapid Waste and others.
Four major areas were identified as a challenge the municipality faces in relation to sanitation, namely primary household sanitation, street sanitation, transfer station of waste, and the disposal site of the waste.
The engagement of the stakeholder was to come out with some of the issues they face in their line of duty and come out with solutions to help solve the sanitation issues in the municipality.
The stakeholders charged the assembly to enforce the byelaws regarding to sanitation to deter the people from dumping waste at unauthorized places in the municipality.
Mr. Daniel Nkrumah the MCD assured the stakeholders that the assembly would come out with a proper waste management plant to address the sanitation issues in the municipality. He said, the assembly would get rid of hawkers on the Liberation road to keep the area clean.