
Head of Unit

Nathaniel Addo-Tettey is the head of the Statistical Unit in La Dade Kotopon Municipal Assembly.

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Geography from the University of Cape Coast (UCC) with emphasis to Economic Policy and Spatial Analysis. He also holds a certificate in Applied Statistics from the University of Ghana.

It is the vision of Stats Unit to ensure that avenues are made for realistic time-bound official data to be easily available for the Municipality as well as enforcing policy making-decisions to be solely based on available data. 

Mission Statement: To harness, produce and manage quality local levels statistics based on National standards using competent staff for evidence-based decision making in support of local and National development.

Vision: The vision of the unit is to provide reliable and responsive statistical services for good governance and development.


  1. Enhance the use of statistics for evidence-based decision making
  2. Harmonize concepts, methods, and classification used in the production of statistics at all levels.
  3. Assist the MMDA to mobilize revenue for development
  4. Systematize the collation of administrative data across sectors and geographical units.
  5. Reinforce the coordination of statistics generation, compilation, analysis, storage, archiving and dissemination across departments within the MMDA
  6. Strengthen capacity of statistical staff at the MMDA level
  7. Engender statistical literacy among stakeholders