The La Dade-Kotopon Municipal Assembly was carved out from Accra Metropolitan Assembly in June 2012 with its capital located at La. Like all other District Assemblies, the La Dade-Kotopon Municipal Assembly was established by Local Government Act, 1993 (Act 462) with Legislative Instrument 2133 in line with government’s objective of deepening decentralization and grassroots development by bringing larger Metropolitan, Municipals and District Assemblies to manageable sizes.
La Dade-Kotopon Municipal Assembly exists to provide socio-economic development for the people within the Municipality, through effective mobilization and deployment of fiscal, human, material and natural recourses with stakeholders’ collaboration
La Dade-Kotopon Municipal Assembly is made up of 10 electoral areas which are : Abafum/Kowe/Abase | Adiembra | Adobetor | Ako Adjei | Burma Camp | Cantonments | Labone | Mantiase/East Dade-Kotopon | New Kaajanor | New Lakpaanaa .
La Dade-Kotopon Municipal Assembly covers an area of 360sq km and located on Longitude 05° 35°N and on Latitude 00° 06°W. The municipality is bounded on both North and West by Accra Metropolitan Assembly, on the East by LedzokukuKrowor Municipal Assembly and on the South by the Gulf of Guinea.