Head of Unit
Mr Charles Delove Ansah is the estate officer with the La Dade Kotopon Municipal Assembly and the head of the Municipal Estate Unit
He worked with Public Works Department for 3years (2010-2013) and was later transferred to the Municipal Assembly to manage the estate unit.
What we do
The Estate Unit is responsible for the maintenance of all assets belonging to the assembly including all government buildings and schools that falls within the jurisdiction of the assembly.
To provide quality service to all institutions that falls within the Assembly and to make sure that all assembly properties are well maintained and put to their proper use.
Functions and ResponsibilitiesÂ
- The functions of the Estate Unit are as follows:
- To make sure all Assembly properties are used for their intended purpose(s)
- Supervision of on-going maintenance works
- Taking of inventories of all Assembly properties periodically
- Organizing and checking repairs and maintenance of all offices that falls within the Assembly